Love letters to all the girls and women you have ever been
A collection of love letters (poetry-ish) written to us all; to our whole selves - to who we were, who we are now and who we will become.
These words fell from my pen at a time when I needed them most.
Encouraging, liberating, compassionate and wise, each poem offers guidance with endless tenderness.
Read them as love letters to and from your heart.
Printed in the UK
Author: Henny Flynn
Hardback, 96pp + cover, 105mm x 180mm
Full colour illustrations throughout
Pub. 2020
Over 3000 copies sold
What others have said...
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“This spoke right to my heart.”
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“I read this as my mother’s voice speaking to me. And now quietly sniffling in the loo at the office. But in a good open hearted way.”
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“I can’t tell you how much this has moved me.”
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“This is a keeper - for all those times when we question ourselves, our whole being, our worthiness, our validity, our space on this planet! It’s a keeper, so eloquently read in a few words.”
Meet your true self. A guide to Flow Journaling.
Pre-order - pub. 30.05.24
Love letters for all the girls & women we've ever been.
More than 10 available
Love letters wrriten to and from the whole of you.
More than 10 available
The little book of practical compassion.
More than 10 available
A practical self-coaching guide.
E-book to download
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies the power and freedom to choose our response. And in our response lies our growth and happiness."
Victor Frankl